
There are a number of things we can do to improve our own health and to guard against disease. On this page we will post some useful links to good advice which will help you make better and more informed choices:

  1. NHS advice on sugar

    Health problems related to sugar are rightly getting a lot more press recently.  It is not just "fizzy drinks" that are the problem, generally we are eating far too much sugar - whether that is in obvious things like sweets and cakes or less obvious such as bread.  It is generally good to reduce sugar intake.  It is not necessary and is related to the obesity epidemic.  Click on the link above to inform yourself more about sugar and make a decision to reduce!

  2.  NHS advice on salt consumption

This link will bring you to some useful pictorial "Infographic" information on the ins and outs of salt.  Many of us have acquired a taste for a lot of salt.  This can however lead to blood pressure and kidney problems.  For example reducing your salt intake can have as big an effect as taking a blood pressure tablet!

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